You'll need to request your specific access token from the CreativeX team. This is a unique token which will allow you to create pre-flights for your organization using the Content API. This is required in order to make any calls to any of our endpoints.
Before creating preflights, you'll need to upload assets (images / videos) to our S3 data store. To do this, you can retrieve a pre-signed url from our API, and then upload your image or video to that url:
require 'net/http'
require 'rest_client'
require 'uri'
require 'json'
def access_token
# Insert your access token here
def base_url
def url(path, params)
def presigned_url
params = { access_token: access_token }
path = '/presigned_url'
uri = URI(url(path, params))
res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
You can then upload a locally stored image or video to the url returned from above:
def local_image_path
def upload_image_to_presigned_url
RestClient.put(presigned_url.to_s, File.read(local_image_path), :content_type => 'image/jpg')
Once we have access to these assets, you're ready to start creating preflights! Note that the presigned url will contain some query parameters that are useful for the purposes of uploading the asset, but might interfere with our ability to access the asset during the preflight creation process. Please strip all query parameters from the URL before submitting it in your preflight creation request.
def create_preflight
# strip the query params from the presigned_url
uri = URI.parse(presigned_url)
uri.query = nil if uri.query.present?
cleaned_url = uri.to_s
params = { access_token: access_token }
body = {
creatives: [{ source_url: cleaned_url, external_label: 'Optional identifier'}],
name: 'MyPreflight',
brand: 'Acme',
market: 'United Kingdom',
channel: 'facebook_paid',
publisher: 'facebook',
placement: 'feed'
path = '/preflights'
req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url(path, params))
res = Net::HTTP.start(base_url.hostname, base_url.port) do |http|
You've now created your first preflight! You can now check the status of a preflight through the GET /preflight/:id
route using the request_id
you get in the response to that initial POST
def get_preflight_status
preflight_id = 'MyPreflightId'
params = { access_token: access_token }
path = "/preflights/#{preflight_id}"
uri = URI(url(path, params))
res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
Once the preflight has completed processing, the response from GET /preflights/:id
should look something like:
"request_id": 21490,
"created_at": "2024-08-05T08:50:31.913Z",
"status": "completed",
"name": "MyPreflight",
"brand": "Acme",
"market": "United Kingdom",
"channel": "facebook_paid",
"creatives": [
"post_id": 1234,
"url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/picassolabs-assets/original/file.mp4",
"external_label": "Optional identifier",
"scorecard_url": "http://www.creativex.com/audit/scorecards/1234?pretest=true",
"scores": [
"name": "Creative Quality",
"value": 0.8,
"status": "status",
"creative_quality_tier": "Excellent",
"guidelines": [
"name": "Humanise",
"weight": "20.0%",
"passed": true
"name": "Mention",
"weight": "0.0%",
"passed": true
"name": "Branding: Brand Name",
"weight": "20.0%",
"passed": true
"name": "Product",
"weight": "20.0%",
"passed": false
"name": "Optimised for Sound Off",
"weight": "20.0%",
"passed": true
"name": "Simple Message",
"weight": "20.0%",
"passed": true