Q: What happens if an asset has been evaluated and the user would like to request a re-evaluation or a change in scoring?
A: There are two ways a user can communicate an issue:
- The user can email support@creativex.com team to review the error, our team makes the change directly in the dashboard, and the user is notified via email that the change was made. The updated score will be reflected in the dashboard (if an update was needed) and will trigger the DAM to update it as well.
- The user can go through the Error Report Flow (by clicking the Report Error button on the Creative’s page) and flag something directly within the product for the support@creativex.com team to review. The user will then receive an email with the changes (if any) and comments from our team. The updated score will be reflected in the dashboard (if an update was needed) and will trigger the DAM to update it as well.
Q: How are multiple assets or bulk requests handled?
A: Depending on the details of the implementation:
- CreativeX will run a job to check for available assets (typically every 2 hours) and will see multiple assets ready for scoring.
- CreativeX will receive an API request to create a pre-flight for multiple assets and will handle accordingly.
Q: Is there a limit to the number of assets/size of the files that can be submitted via a Preflight?
A: There is no official limit to the number of assets or size of files that can be submitted as part of a preflight. However, we recommend keeping files to 2GB or less.